
irish dance shoesI was looking in my port on when I saw this poem, it’s one of my favorite poems I’ve written. I looked to see if I had shared it here on WordPress and discovered it among my early posts when I had one follower so I decided to share it again since I do have a larger following of poetry lovers.

It is done in couplets with a rhyming pattern on the end.

Love of an Irish Lass

He bowed his head in silence,
allowing his rattled breath to slow.

Closing his eyes, he could feel
the lively Celtic music flow.

He was swept away to days past,
Where her feet moved to and fro.

Oh wee lass, dance for me, I long to
see those ye’s rosy cheeks aglow.

Take me back to those days
Of hornpipes and tapping heel and toe.

Show me again those green Irish eyes
when you paused and bowed ever so low.

He lowered his head in silence again
cherishing his memories of long ago.

The lovely Irish ballad faded quietly away
and with it the old man’s final deathblow.©

4 thoughts on “Self-Promotion

  1. I’m glad that you found this and dusted it off to post again. I must say I’ve always enjoyed poetry but hadn’t really read any in years – until I found your blog. Thank you Lyn! I always look forward to your posts. Especially when I first get up and am working on my first cup of coffee. 🙂


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