Life of a Jack o’ Lantern ©Lyn Crain

Hemingway got his whiskey
Poor Edgar got his nightmares
Jane Austin got Mr. Darby
I got grabbed by strangers

Johnny Cash got called Sue.
Judy Garland got a rainbow.
Elvis has impersonators in Vegas.
My insides were ripped out!

The scarecrow wears cool clothes.
The mighty  raven gets to soar.
The evil witches cackle, not me
I got triangles for my eyes and nose.

Halloween they say is the absolute best.
At least, that’s what all the children say.
Not for me, I got really crooked teeth
and a candle burns my skin.  It’s not fair!

Happy Halloween to you and yours
from a black soot covered jack o lantern
sitting on the stone wall alone
who just wants to go home!

The Titles Spoke to Me #2 ©Lyn Crain

The Titles Spoke to Me #2 ©Lyn Crain

A Gambler’s Anatomy

on the Streets of Laredo

with Wolf Boys and

 Black Lives Imagined

Wild in The Streets

in Blood and Sand

the last Shelter in Place.

 In those Crazy Years

Small Great Things

Just What You Are to Me

The Nonconformist

Leaving The Faith

for a Bohemian Grove

No Place Is Home.


If He Writes It, She Will Come

Make A Mess of It

Strangers in Their Own Land

The Ghost in The Machine, Maybe Your Soul

Paint It Black

Pure Adrenaline Utter Ease

Under The Udala Trees

It Stands Alone

in Denial

I Must Be Living Twice

The Hating Game


This poem is written with titles found in the Sunday Book Review and the Weekend Arts of the New York Times.  This poetic style is called Found Poetry. The words in Italics are books and review titles. I did not alter them in any way. I simply placed them all on paper and shuffled them until I created a poem.

Who’s Smiling Now © Lyn Crain

My poem is in response to a picture in a poetry contest on, the picture is created by Marci Perrine. I’ve included the link below along with the song that inspired me.

Who’s Smiling Now

Let’s see if my plans go as proposed.
How dare those three pumpkins smirk!
He thought I wouldn’t see the gate closed.
That man is such a predictable jerk.

On the surface, I look young and immature
but behind these appealing lavender eyes
there are years of rage barely denied.
I’ve found there are advantages to being demure.

I’ll show him not to take my feelings lightly
He underestimates my ability to take action.
Hmm, I have something to remind him nightly
Ah, this spell will give me immense satisfaction.

On the surface, I look young and immature
but behind these appealing lavender eyes
there are years of rage barely denied.
I’ve found there are advantages to being demure.

My trusty wand glows with delight
ready for work on this pathetic jerk
as his screams of agony fill the night
I noted his pumpkins lost their evil smirk.

Oops, another man done gone…

To be a Writer…

His kiss curled my toes… I never knew love could feel like this.
My heart skipped a beat …but my brain began it’s litany of what if’s


All it takes is a feeling. A kiss that sends you reeling. The smell of the rain or the music that momentarily takes away your pain. Every where you look there lies an untold story. So, keep an eye out for the poetry. It’s not always pretty. Not if you want reality. The truth doesn’t have to rhyme. What has to be said, needs to be said when it’s time. Those demons on your shoulder, they will tell you,

“What do you think you’re doing?”

“You can’t”

“You won’t”


Flick them off and keep writing anyway.

© Abirami

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Betrayed©Lyn Crain

So many brightly, illuminated
cumulus clouds surround you
on this October evening.
Mr. Moon. Or should I address

you as the Hunter, this fine evening?

I stand before you seeking answers
to those nagging adult questions.

Where do we go from here?

Please, tell me
Mr. Moon.
I need to know.

Why is it,
when I was a child
staring at you
the answers I sought
were right there?

Now that I’m an adult Mr. Moon,
the answers never appear.
Did you abandon me to those
lullaby moments?

I’m so scared.

Being an adult is not what

I thought.

Damn you. Why is it
your beguiling glow now
leaves me chilled
to the bone?


Sadly,  a new
dawning realization
echoes across
my aged soul even

my childhood friends’
glimmering magic
is gone.

Damn you Mr. Moon!

I never expected to be
betrayed by you,
my last childhood friend.

New Universe

Author S. K. Nicholas


It rainedall morning, and then it rained for the rest of the day until the streets flooded, and frogs invaded the homes of those with letterboxes at the foot of their front doors. Watching Night of the Comet while contemplating what woman to think of while abusing myself without shame, a cold draft drifted to me through the open window, and even though it ate away at my bones, it was too much of an effort to get up and close the damn thing. And those women; some I’ve been with, and others I’ve never known, how they dance as if in a dream. How they wink at me while taking me by the hand leading me places that leave me in awe of what it is to be a man. I haven’t seen Honey the cat in months; I hope she’s doing okay. I miss sitting with her outside…

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