Intimacy Denied (2)

For a brief interlude

two bodies 


each rolling dissonance

with the need

to create

dissembling obfuscation

in a sweet moment

of contentment.

The twinkling stars

bear witness as

the wind imitates

the rub of limbs.

Their intimate moment


The boundaries 

established once more.

Legs, arms declare

personal space

while lyrics of love

face doom

as the distance


and the bedding


I want to thank Victor Alemar and Bill Waters for their suggestions. I can’t wait to hear your input on the changes.



My first crush introduced me to racial issues that I hadn’t faced before in childhood. I lived in Connecticut at the time and white girls in the 60’s didn’t date black boys. I only knew he made me laugh and we enjoyed so many things in common. Not once did the ten year old realize his skin color was different than hers. I miss our friendship Jimmy, you were my very first young love.

Candles Online

I was 10 yrs old, stupid, silly and with a head full of imagination. I was hanging on my gate on a summer vacation afternoon and saw a family move their stuff the house next to mine. I watched with feigned disinterest as the furniture was moved in. By evening the family that was going to reside in that house came in a Maruti 800. Out came the mum, dad and three sons. I watched their procession inside the house, holding their suitcases, bedding, baskets and bags. All three sons were dashing, smart and adolescent Punjabi boys. The parents moved in snobbish, and so did the sons, but my eyes were fixed on the youngest one.

He was dribbling a basketball with loads of attitude as he went inside. My heart fluttered, and I didn’t know what this feeling is called. Time went by, and their home became a fortress…

View original post 670 more words

Langston Hughes and me

Dream Deferred By Langston Hughes

What happens to a dream deferred?
Does it dry up
Like a raisin in the sun?
Or fester like a sore–
And then run?
Does it stink like rotten meat?
Or crust and sugar over–
like a syrupy sweet?
Maybe it just sags
like a heavy load.Or does it explode?
I’ve asked myself that very question numerous times. I know more than once I’ve seen my hopes fade like the sun on a horizon. But I rose just like the sun refusing to accept my dream was deferred or over. I knew I was ready to share my story.

black-gloveBlack Glove by Lyn Crain

One single black glove left on the porch is all that is left a union of two.
The vivid, intense orange torch in their marriage flickered, now a black hue.
Angry words tossed into the flame, smothered immense passion.
Apologies spoken only sound lame, made the fire cold and ashen.
Violently shrugging away a touch, fighting a compulsion to flee.
Even a glance in his eye is too much. I must, Yes, I will be free.

Discussion Time for Featured Friday


I’ve been mulling over the prospect of hosting other writers on Friday as Featured Friday since another blogger approached me about wanting to discuss a post I made more in depth.  Is there any interest among my followers to participate in this venture?

If so please email me at

My intent is for you to email your subject, and the content with all links necessary to connect everyone with you. Whatever info you would like to provide about yourself for the readers. I will post all writers participating in separate entries. If you would like to begin a series of discussion that should appear weekly, I can certainly accommodate that as well.

Looking forward to hearing from you.

Author Connection 5

Connecting the Dots

A painter may contemplate the various shades of coffee or a sunrise on a canvas.DSC_0443

“Creativity takes courage.” Henri Matisse

“Genius gives birth, talent delivers. What Rembrandt or Van Gogh saw in the night can never be seen again. Born writers of the future are amazed already at what they’re seeing now, what we’ll all see in time for the first time, and then see imitated many times by made writers.”

–Jack Kerouac

A musician contemplates the sounds of the day imitating each note in perfect harmony.

“Where words leave off, music begins.” ― Heinrich Heine

“Music is the great uniter. An incredible force. Something that people who differ on everything and anything else can have in common.”
― Sarah Dessen

“Music can change the world because it can change people.”- Bono

A writer contemplates each scene to bring it alive to a reader on a page.

“And by the way, everything in life is writable about if you have the outgoing guts to do it, and the imagination to improvise. The worst enemy to creativity is self-doubt.”-Sylvia Plath

“You can make anything by writing.”-C.S.Lewis

Creative imagination, artistic motives, and innovative products are unique to human beings and are the source of their cultural achievement. Creativity is the ability to make new combinations, and it is one of the most highly valued of human qualities. Creativity may prove to be the key to success or failure in the quest for knowledge, in our journey beyond the bounds of the sure and seen and into the exploration of the unknown. A creative thinker is always trying to create something new, and this involves a considerable amount of unconscious rearrangement. These skills are beneficial in our everyday life too.

In general, there are significant recognition works of art as the most private and energetic means of aiding individuals to share in the art of living. The approach may vary, but the connection exists for all. The key is discovering your full potential by expanding your creative base. Our brains are like sponges they continuously expand with knowledge.

Consider Vadim Prokhorov’s question about music. What if music could take on color and shape, what would they be? It’s not a question that would occur to most people. Prokhorov was always interested in the arts but particular art. However, he also was a concert pianist, a composer, and a  writer. He boasted he could learn a profession in approximately a year,”  I chuckled when I read he stated he was a professional learner of professions. How many of us are recreating ourselves daily in this precarious economic times? I ‘m grateful for every day that I have the opportunity to recreate me through art.

“To create one’s own world takes courage.” Georgia O’Keeffe

Inspiration surrounds us, creation is our responsibility as artists.-Lyn Crain

Intimacy Denied


For a brief interlude 

two bodies
each dissembling dissonance
with the need 
to create
deliberate obfuscation, 
in a sweet moment
of contentment. 
The twinkling stars 
bear witness.
 the wind imitates
the rub of limbs.
Their intimate moment betrayed.
The boundaries
established once more.
Legs, arms declare
personal space
while  lyrics of love
face doom
as the distance
and the bedding