Letter-c Day 16

“She says, we’ve got to hold on to what we’ve got
It doesn’t make a difference if we make it or not
We’ve got each other and that’s a lot for love
We’ll give it a shot
Woah, we’re half way there
Woah, livin’ on a prayer
Take my hand, we’ll make it I swear
Woah, livin’ on a prayer”~ Bon Jovi
I woke up early this morning. As I laid there listening to Vic breathing, I thought about what made me so angry yesterday. I wanted so much for the blood work to come back and all of this to be one huge mistake. That the letter-c wasn’t real. I told you already I’m not one to sit idly. Patience is not something I do well.
It didn’t help my already frustrating day became worse. I love grilled kielbasa and corn on the cob. It tasted divine initially but then the pain began migrating to my shoulder followed by a bathroom experience like someone had given me an enema. If that wasn’t enough insult I had horrific heartburn and re flux that Prilosec didn’t touch.  It was agonizing for over four hours. By the time I crashed I was exhausted.
My cure-all this morning was to get to my hands buried in the dirt in the garden, ground myself so I feel better. There is nothing sweeter smelling than working the dirt. I was relieved to see the vegetables survived the torrential downpours we’ve had the last two day. My roses and peonies took quite a beating.The large yellow one in the back yard had a broken limb in addition to all the blooms being knocked off. The peonies unfortunately had one of my neighbors tree branches on top of it, breaking part of the plant again.
Vic and I will prune her tree tomorrow morning when it is cooler. So tired of her tree doing damage on our property. She acts clueless when I talk to her about much her tree’s sprawl is in our yard and the damage because the branches overhang our yard. Sorry,  Alice, playing clueless works for the male population but not me. I’ve watched her in action too many times. I have zero tolerance for women who play games to get things done!!
I was pleased to see my moon flowers, zucchini, and the basil doubled in size.  The cucumbers have all hung on in spite of the chipmunks tunneling. I put the netting in place to keep them out of my garden beds.
A good friend sent me an interesting cookbook called The Cancer-Fighting Kitchen. I glanced through the book this morning after it arrived. Lots of good recipes to help nourish a patient during their treatment. Every possible anti-oxidant combination, woohoo! I love cooking.
Vic and I played cribbage over breakfast. I was able to eat fruit and an english muffin with only minimal pain compared to last night’s onslaught of pain, diarrhea and re flux .  Minimal pain so you understand what happens is within forty-five minutes to an hour I get pain in my pancreas that radiates to my shoulder until my food is digested than it goes away which typically takes about 2 hours. This has been happening since January every time I eat or drink. Thankfully, drinking doesn’t hurt as much as eating does.
I chose this song because Vic reminded me again that I’m not alone. I can talk to him about anything regardless of how silly I may think it is. I didn’t think it was silly  feeling frustrating not getting the lab results or my doctor’s nurse telling me that COVID-19 tests take all priority. I’m sorry her comment didn’t make me feel like my health was valued at all. Just another fucking reminder how screwed up things are… And like I often do I just held it inside versus venting my frustration with the medical field in general.

In a Chaotic Moment

In a Chaotic Moment ©
Leaves flutter wildly in the wind
The colors burst upon my soul
scattered thoughts defiantly pinned

The Soledad is an ancient Spanish stanza consisting of three eight-syllable lines with the first and third lines rhyming, as described and demonstrated in the following link: http://www.poetrymagnumopus.com/index.php?/topic/1023-soledad/

More examples can be found here: http://www.rainbowcommunications.org/wordplay/forms/Soledad.pdf .

Motivational Quote and Me

“Spring passes and one remembers one’s innocence.
Summer passes and one remembers one’s exuberance.
Autumn passes and one remembers one’s reverence.
Winter passes and one remembers one’s perseverance.”
― Yoko Ono

A lady I knew in Maine, my rival when it came to Halloween decorations passed away unexpectedly yesterday. We’re the same age, and our children are the same ages. I was reminded how short our lives truly are.

I want to take a moment for the families in Texas whose world was turned upside down in a moment of violence. They are in our prayers. I don’t understand why anyone would do that to another human being.

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I’ve written 8650 words, monumental for me in 5 days. I was feeling overwhelmed with my character so I decided to take a mental health break. I made a Thanksgiving centerpiece wreath for our table. It went to together easy enough considering this is my very first attempt at making a wreath. (Yup, I followed a youtube video.) The glitter all over the floor was messy and everywhere with help from Macavity. Overall the project took just over two hours from start to finish and the result was very eye appealing.

The Mistletoe Murder
Philosophers and
Other Lovers
in what once
was a nation
A Gambler’s Anatomy
In this
City of Dreams
Where America Begins

Judge Not
The Whistler
The Man Who Chose
To Exile
Rogue Heroes
In the
March of the Lexicon

Words on the Move
Cruel Beautiful World
It’s no longer
Seriously Sweet
When Music Was Life and Death

Escape Clause
The Wrong Side of Goodbye
in a Sleeping World
The Mortifications
Bless Me
for I Will Sin©

Enjoy your Monday.  I need to go Mairin, Bruce and Death are calling.



October 13, 2017, is our second Friday the 13ths in 2017. Most calendar years have at least one Friday the 13th, but no more than three Friday the 13ths. The last time there was only one Friday the 13th in a calendar year was in May 2016 and the next time won’t be until August 2021. Did you know there were three Friday the 13ths in 2015 (February, March, November)? Yup, we survived! It will happen again in 2026. This year, in 2017, there are two Friday the 13ths (January and October). Today is it.

Now if you have friggatriskaidekaphobia – an irrational fear of Friday the 13th – Here’s something to consider this year’s second Friday the 13th on October 13, 2017, happens exactly 39 weeks (3 x 13 weeks) after the last Friday the 13th in January 2017. Just think 2018 is right around the corner and it has two Friday the 13ths. The first one comes on April 13, 2018, exactly 26 weeks (2 x 13 weeks) after the Friday the 13th in October 2017. Then the second Friday the 13th of 2018 falls on July 13, 2018, exactly 13 weeks after the first Friday the 13th in April 2018.

Just noting the coincidences involving the number 13.

Weave a tale about a September sunset



Sunset_in_CoquitlamI have a possible explanation
for this magical occurrence.
The romantic in me says
that sneaky Sun God
bestowed Mother Nature
with a fiery kiss
on this quiet September eve.
Her ruddy glow caressed
the majestic treetops
surrounding the lake.
before slipping away into
Autumn’s tempting darkness.
The corn moon sighed in despair
another stolen moment missed
with Mother Nature because
he was helping the natives
prepare for the winter ahead.©


This file is licensed under the Creative Commons Attribution 2.0 Generic license.

Chad Teer from Coquitlam, Canada

Evolution of the Jack-o-Lantern

Write a story or poem from the perspective of a pumpkin getting ready to be carved into a Jack-O-Lantern.

Evolution of the Jack-o-Lantern©Lyn Crain

Big, or little, oh my, each a different one,
Pick me; pick me, I hope
From one to the next, the excited children run.
The unlucky ones left behind will surely mope.
Because I’m the pumpkin a child chose.
Oh, what will kind of a face will I be?
So much better than being left for the crows
Will it be happy or scary? I can’t wait to see,
what the children create with their knife.
Once a simple pumpkin in the field
One very special moment I will come to life.
A jack o lantern, my true glory will be revealed
as I shine boldly from my special place.
Creating the magic of Halloween night
I am radiant in my chosen state of grace,
happy to have a Jack o Lantern’s exclusive right.

Mandala and Other Updates


Part 12 is complete, The scallops as I thought took me about 3 1/2 hours per round. I’m very pleased with the color choices for this part. It is 65 inches now. I’m taking a short break from the mandala because we have a good friend coming in from Ohio and I promised her a snuggle under this gem.



I whipped up a hat this evening with the same colors because I really liked how they look together. Not that I needed another hat. The hat I completed in 2 hours, it’s just a simple beanie. I decided to do the long single crochet and half double crochet’s to make the pattern. The upper section is all double crochet which made it real quick to do.WIN_20170627_23_01_10_Pro

Writing Class

On Thursday evenings for the next ten weeks, I will be at a writing class with Raz Steel. He pledges that a writer can write a book with his instructions from start to finish with his techniques without getting stuck. I’m game. I can write great beginnings but then I crash, the middle gets my ass every time. Then I get frustrated and there it sits. Wish me luck.

Raz is a published author of two books Love Without Blood and Blood Between Lovers. We are very lucky to have him as one of the writers in our Lower Bucks Creative Writers Group that meets in Langhorne, PA every week.

I pruned the juniper shrubs, and the hydrangea vine because both have got out of control in my lower back yard. My back is screaming this evening from all the tugging I did on the dang English ivy that was overwhelming the yard.

I have one more task to complete on Writing.com than I can crash. I am so ready but I needed to get some writing time in today. Sadly, this entry is all I’ve done since I worked in the yard for over 8 hours today,  then I came in and made strawberry, orange and rhubarb scones for the guest staying with this evening. She mentioned how she loves strawberry rhubarb pie this morning during breakfast when she was eating strawberries. She inquired if I make pies. I told no, I’m not a good pie maker. I told her about the strawberry rhubarb scones and muffins I’ve made. She thought that was interesting so I promised I would make her some. Lucky Sara gets to enjoy them too when she arrives tomorrow. This is the first time I put the oranges in and that addition made them spectacular. Tangy and sweet, yummy.


Making your mark on the world is hard. If it were easy, everybody would do it. But it’s not. It takes patience, it takes commitment, and it comes with plenty of failure along the way. The real test is not whether you avoid this failure, because you won’t. It’s whether you let it harden or shame you into inaction, or whether you learn from it; whether you choose to persevere.

Barack Obama

Sweet dreams

Inner Child ©Lyn Crain


Snowflakes dominate this January day
A historic event challenges the city.
Mother Nature declares her way.

City officials install a ban.
Stay home, walk if you must but,
no cars except the emergency man.

Dapper snowmen appear in unusual places.
Children on sleds race down streets
where cars normally rule the spaces.

Elevated subways halt on snow covered track
The Wind blows at times so fierce,
the high water claims the land back.

The busy city now invites play
quite different than the norm
the white stuff is here to stay.

People explore the city with their feet
some even pause to converse with strangers
unlike the normal day with no time to greet.

Mother Nature and Father Time smile
the city that never rests
rediscovers the fun, it has been awhile.

Sometimes all it takes is a snowflake
to impose a change to our routines,
for our inner child to awake.

Life of a Jack o’ Lantern ©Lyn Crain

Hemingway got his whiskey
Poor Edgar got his nightmares
Jane Austin got Mr. Darby
I got grabbed by strangers

Johnny Cash got called Sue.
Judy Garland got a rainbow.
Elvis has impersonators in Vegas.
My insides were ripped out!

The scarecrow wears cool clothes.
The mighty  raven gets to soar.
The evil witches cackle, not me
I got triangles for my eyes and nose.

Halloween they say is the absolute best.
At least, that’s what all the children say.
Not for me, I got really crooked teeth
and a candle burns my skin.  It’s not fair!

Happy Halloween to you and yours
from a black soot covered jack o lantern
sitting on the stone wall alone
who just wants to go home!